Test Manager Interview Questions

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Test Manager Interview Questions

Test Manager Interview Questions

Here are some of the frequently asked Test Manager Interview Questions.

1). What do you expect out of this role?

 This question is asked to measure your compatibility with the role. As you have applied for the role, you should have a good understanding of the major responsibilities associated with it and what you expect from it in the future.

2. Did you handle a team of test engineers or QA professionals in your earlier role?

As you are interviewing for a test lead position it is evident that you have some amount of experience in handling a team or have similar experiences. You need to give a detail on how you coordinated with your team members and clients to deliver successful projects.

3. What do you think of test leads writing test cases?

The right answer is to say that you feel that the test lead should be expected to write test cases like any other member of the team.

4. How do you set your team’s objectives?

If you prefer to set individual objectives for each member of the team, mention that you set it according to the knowledge and experience levels. This is how we can handle the project more efficiently as a team.

5. How familiar are you with the industry standard testing practices?

Explain all the proper practices that you follow in your existing organization and how will you handle it similarly for the organization that you are interviewing for.

6. What are the ways you ensure that the team members receive proper training?

Get feedback from all the team members on their strengths and weaknesses to make a note of what type of training is necessary for the team. Also, new members who join the team should be trained on time so as to be inducted as quickly as possible.

7. What will be your criteria for hiring team members?

While hiring a team member, three things should be considered: 1)his technical strength as per project requirements, 2) his attitude towards the profile he will be hiring for and 3) will he be a good fit with the rest of the team members?

8. Which testing tools are you familiar with?

As a test lead, you should be familiar with some of the most popular testing tools. You need to explain how you used and what are its advantages as per the project requirements, cost of using the tool and ease of use.

9. Are you familiar with automation and what do you think of it?

Automation is becoming an important part of software testing nowadays and you can get away without having any knowledge of it. You should be well-prepared for this question and make it a positive answer as automation is going to be the future.

10.What are the risks that should be avoided for a testing project?

One should avoid the following risks during a testing project:

1) human resource risk (resource crunch),

2) project schedule risk (missed deadlines),

3) strategy risk (exceeding allocated budgets) and

4) project definition risk.

11.What are the good practices that you follow?

Some of the good practices for a successful project are: proper documentation process, high standards of reviewing, recognition to outstanding performers, focusing on team building and making sure there is a continuous scope of learning.

12.What are your key achievements in your current organization?

Have you completed a project well before the deadline or have you managed a difficult project with great efficiency? Mention all your achievements no matter how insignificant you think it is.

13.What is the difference between Agile and Scrum? Which one do you prefer?

Scrum is actually a type of Agile framework but does not provide detailed instructions on what needs to be done; rather most of it is dependent on the team. The Agile methodology that supports incremental and iterative work cadences which are called Sprints.

If you prefer that there is a leader who maintains the direction by assigning tasks then Agile is perfect otherwise Scrum provides the advantage of adjusting the project’s direction based on completed work.

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