Export Module in Node.js

Export Module in Node.js:

Node.js also facilitates its users to create their own modules using export keyword. The module.exports or exports object is a special type of object which is used to expose a function, object or variable as a module in Node.js.

●     Export Literals:

If a string literal is assigned to the module.exports or exports object, the string literal will be exposed as a module.

●     Export Object:

If a property or method is assigned to the module.exports or exports object, than that property or method will be exposed as a module.

●     Export Function:

If a function is assigned to the module.exports or exports object, than that function will be exposed as a module.

●     Export function as a class:

If a class is assigned to the module.exports or exports object, than that class will be exposed as a module.


Including a Local Module in an application:

To include a local module in an application, Node.js require() function with the path of the module is used.


var variable_name = require(‘module_path’);


Module: mod.js

var mod = {

msg: function (msg) {

console.log(‘Msg: ‘ + msg);



module.exports = mod

 Application: hello.js

 var hello = require(‘/home/Desktop/modu.js’);





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