API Testing with Postman

API Testing with Postman

This tutorial is completely designed for you to understand Postman even though you have never heard of Postman or  API. Since Postman is an API testing tool, we must know what is an API. So in this tutorial we will explore the different topics around API such as

  • What is an API

API stands for Application Programming Interface. Talking in technical terms an API is a set of procedures, functions, and other points of access which an application, an operating system, a library etc., makes available to programmers in order to allow it to interact with other software

Application Programming Interface Testing is a type of software testing that involves testing  application programming interfaces (APIs) directly and as part of integration testing to determine if they meet expectations for functionality, reliability, performance, and security. Since APIs lack a GUI, API testing is performed at the message layer / business layer. API testing is now considered critical for automating testing because APIs now serve as the primary interface to application logic and because  GUI tests are difficult to maintain with the short release cycles and frequent changes commonly used with Agile software development.

Application Programming Interface testing won’t concentrate on the look and feel of an application / GUI testing.

In API Testing, you use software to send calls to the Business layer, get output, and verify the systems response.

Application Programming Interface Testing requires an application to interact with API. In order to test an API, you will need to

  • Use API Testing Tool
  • Write your own code (functions, test cases) to test the API.

Learn more about API testing: https://techtutorialz.com/what-is-api-testing/

  • Role of A software tester in API testing

As a API tester, you should have good knowledge of various web services like RESTSOAP and Micro Services.

  1. Able to read and understand the API documentations
  2. Should able to use all the web methods like GET, POST, DELETE,PUT, PATCH etc
  3. Should be able to validate the response, response time, status code
  4. Able to validate the xml and Json body by using Json parsers
  5. Must know to use OAuth and OAuth2 authentication mechanisms
  6. Load and Security testing on web services
  7. Able to derive good number of test cases and scenarios.
  8. Should be good in SQL queries to validate API and DB data elements
  9. Become master in a tool of your own choice SOAP UI and Postman are not Automation tools. Rest Assured, Rest Sharp, Node modules are the open source libraries for API testing automation.


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