2018 Most Anticipated Artificial Intelligence Trending Technologies

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2018 Most Anticipated Artificial Intelligence Trending Technologies

By Raheel Zia (The Crafters Pro)

The year 2017 brought much of the success for Artificial Intelligence and things aren’t going to slow down in 2018. The experts anticipate a number of surprising AI driven technology leap-forwards. The experts believe that Artificial Intelligence trends in 2018 in addition to the machine learning will invade large industry through magnificent automation advances. The single-board developers are set to rule through more intelligent IoT. Following are the most anticipated Artificial Intelligence Trends for the New Year 2018.

Artificial Intelligence Will Dictate Business Strategies

The experts suggest that the large companies will now modify their strategies as per their AI needs and implementations. It isn’t a good sign for the employees but on the other hand, you can’t deny the AI power and its influence, making it almost impossible for large companies to keep proceeding while ignoring the latest Artificial Intelligence trends.

Artificial Intelligence trends in 2018


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Artificial Intelligence algorithm may invade the marketplaces. AI and machine learning will also influence small businesses and you’ll see the rise of data-driven small business. AI is set to reshape most of the major industries including banking, health, and manufacturing. Virtual assistance will be the order of the day. It will help the sellers to precisely analyze the customer’s behaviors, purchasing trends, likings, purchasing power, demographics, and frequency. These factors will help the companies to target the customers in a refined and more effective way. To lift sales, the companies will have to focus more AI driven strategies rather than trusting on manual data collection and analysis as it doesn’t guarantee optimal results because error of judgment is inevitable in the case of manual strategy making.

Blockchain Revolution is an Artificial Intelligence trends in 2018

Blockchain, apart from the cryptocurrency data exchange, will broaden its scope through database distribution and transaction register. It is now well set to take over digital transactions. The risk vs opportunity analysis will hold more importance and companies will focus on realizing the blockchain’s role in exploring the behaviors of customers.


Artificial Intelligence trends in 2018

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Blockchain stands out as the best and the most reliable data register which could help Artificial Intelligence to improve client’s engagement by offering exactly what the clients are looking for. The Artificial Intelligence trends in 2018 will define a new role of blockchain which is completely different from the conventional cryptocurrency transaction and data exchange.

An Increased Focus on Securing Privacy

Progressive hacking techniques pose a huge threat. We see more and more interconnected devices, sharing data and communicating with each other, increase vulnerability to unauthorized data access. The IoT increases the risk of leaking information. We’ve already seen Verizon and Uber data hacking back in 2017 and such cases are enough to ring the alarm.

Artificial Intelligence trends in 2018

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As a solution, Latest Artificial Intelligence trends may introduce complex data security tools to make life tougher for the hackers. The devices will feature sophisticated technology to ensure timely detection and prevention of unauthorized access and data distribution. CARTA and Zero Knowledge Proof are a couple of promising technologies to deal with the hacking issue in 2018 and onwards. These technologies have already serving a few financial institutions and have generated promising results with the provision of added data security to marginalize the chances of data being compromised. We’ll definitely see the likes of CARTA and ZK Proof during the coming years.

IoT Intelligence is an Artificial Intelligence trends in 2018

IoT gadgets already come with various types of sensors and in 2018 we’ll see more intelligence-driven features. The developers may look to make various devices collaborate with each other to achieve higher intelligence level. Wireless connectivity will play vital role in letting developers enhance IoT intelligence in the coming years.


Artificial Intelligence trends in 2018

Credit: Industrial Ethernet Book

Even the single-board developers are now focusing on pairing their open source boards with various sensors, including Gesture Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Pressure Sensor, Heat Sensor, Light Sensor, and much more. Almost all the major single-board computer manufacturers, such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and UDOO, are helping developers with consistent releases of highly efficient sensor kits. In 2018, Artificial Intelligence trends will surely play significant role in the development of highly sophisticated IoT devices equipped with efficient sensors.

Automatic Construction and Modification

The release of Google’s AutoML has stirred the interest towards AI’s capacity to construct, tune and modify the machine learning designs. In 2018, we’ll see decreasing role of human intervention and a significantly increased capacity of AI-based architecture.

Artificial Intelligence trends in 2018

Credit: The Merkle

The demand for AutoML – commercially – will rise to facilitate machine learning. NASNet is another hint towards AI automation and this technology allows precise recognition of various things in a video. We’ll definitely see more tools like the AutoML and NASNet.


With each passing year, we see an increasing focus on advanced artificial intelligence trends and their ever-increasing role in our lives. AI in addition to machine learning is taking over the roles and you can’t avoid the influence, even if you don’t like marginalizing the human interruption!

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